IMPACTS’ partnership with UH enables us to work on the health and welfare of so many women affected by the trauma of being displaced!


 UH Research Projects

IMPACTS’ Role: Impacts helps with recruitment of refugees to these projects and helps promote cancer awareness and STEM education among Houston’s refugee population by assisting the project PI with organizing community events.


Project Title: “Examining Health Disparities and Promoting Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention in Syrian Refugee Women in the United States”

Status: May 15, 2021-May 15, 2022

Principal Investigator: Dr. Samina Salim, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Houston

Project Title: “Understanding Impact of Racism on Psychological and Physical Health in Syrian Refugee Children Re-Settled in Houston, Texas”

Principal Investigator: Dr. Samina Salim, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Houston

Project Title: “Incubator of Racial Equity in STEM Education”

Principal Investigator: Dr. Samina Salim, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Houston