Our goal is to provide support for widows and family members of the deceased in our community in the initial mourning period. We coordinate with other organizations in assisting those impacted by the loss.
Our Mission
During the time of Iddah, our sisters are especially vulnerable. We hope to provide emotional support to the sister and her kids who have little or no family support.
We hope to be the light for our sisters in this time of sorrow and struggle.
We believe in an unbreakable, deep, and everlasting bond of sisterhood. We will be there to lighten the burden of our sister during Iddah. We extend our arms with a loving heart, eager to embrace those hurting, and we shall carry them and walk alongside them.
The name selected, Visiting Al-Lahiqoon, is according to the Hadeeth of Rasool Allah (SAW) in which he says whenever he goes to the graveyards:
أَهْلَ الدِّيَارِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمِينَ، وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ بِكُمْ لاَحِقُونَ، أَنْتُمْ لَنَا فَرَطٌ وَنَحْنُ لَكُمْ تَبَعٌ، أَسْأَلُ اللَّهَ الْعَافِيَةَ لَنَا وَلَكُمْ
“The inhabitants of this place among the believers and Muslims. Soon we will join you (Lahiqoon) if Allah willing. You have gone on ahead of us, and we will follow you. I ask Allah to keep us and you safe and sound."
Sunan an-Nasa'i 2040
The name does not simply mean we are visiting the inhabitants of the graveyard, but that we are visiting the inhabitants of this world. However, we understand that death is Haqq, the truth, and a must. We shall all follow at some point.
The bond of sisterhood
In part of this effort, we visit and assist with other basic necessities. We work towards enabling family members to become self-sufficient.
Emotional support is the foundation for all of our services. We strive to provide a safe space for our sisters in Iddah where they can freely express themselves and release the heavy burdens from their hearts.
Phone calls:
We understand that physical distance is not easy to bridge at times, so we offer phone calls as a service to our sisters currently going through Iddah. In addition, we encourage our sisters to keep in touch with us to help them stay strong.
We also provide visits for the comfort and support of our sisters through face-to-face interactions. We know that this is difficult for our sisters, and we want to be there for them.
We aim to provide economic stability through referrals and information that may enhance the quality of life of our widowed sisters in this time of need. In this way, we hope to ease the financial burdens on them and their families.
Community support is also critical in lightening the burdens of our sisters. We believe that one way to nurture their souls is by caring for them with meals. Therefore, we provide meal plans for them so they can focus on their families.
The hardships of our sisters in mourning often take often take a heavy toll on their mental health. We aim to provide a positive, productive life for our sisters through information about the counseling services available.
Our sisters in Iddah need partners other than us, and we encourage them to seek empowerment from other organizations. We offer a referral to An Nisa upon request.
We have served our widows and created an atmosphere of support:
2022 - 6
2023 - 15
2024 - 24
*All services are based on qualification and intake assessment.
Are you looking for widow support?
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